“People crave comfort, people crave connection, and people crave community.
— Marianne Williamson
Our Mission
To Promote, Support, and Develop Inclusive and Diverse Communities is the stated mission of our our Portland, Oregon nonprofit, Our Home, Inclusive Community Collaborative. Building neighborhoods that embrace the diversity of our elders, our community members with disabilities and those with lower income is the focus of our Our Home communities. “How do we thrive together?” is a question that needs to be addressed by every society.
Until recently, the models of housing and care in this country took their inspiration from the mechanization of industry and agriculture: efficiency of production resulting from economies of scale. It was believed by grouping those with similar needs and deficits together, services could be provided more efficiently and at a lower cost.
The Founding Family
As the founding influence of Our Home, ICC, we are a three-generation family that experiences the complex support needs of disability and aging.
Jane, who is both social and private by nature, is the matriarch of the family. In her 70’s she has spent the last 11 years caring for her aging parents and is looking forward to sharing her laughter and insights.
Neva, a delightful young woman who brings a fresh perspective to everything she experiences, has complex support needs due to disability. As a young adult, she deserves the opportunity for independence outside of her family home while receiving the supports, experiencing the friendships, and participating as a valued part of her community that contributes quality to everyday life.
Alicia is the “meat” of the Sandwich Generation, and the resilient and relentless heartbeat of Our Home, ICC. As the Founding Neighbor of Our Home, ICC’s first inclusive and diverse community, Cathedral Park Cohousing, she looks forward to the relationships that proximity and shared values can bring to a larger community.
We base our vision on the understanding that segregating communities based on deficit and need has unforeseen costs both financially and societally. We recognize the value of our community around us for life’s inspiration as well as natural supports. We will be the cornerstones of this community, gathering people around us that share values and goals. We believe that coming together as neighbors, intentionally, will provide the stability that all of our families need to work, live, age and thrive in a community of our choice. This community will be home for all of us; Our Home.