Strong, inclusive, diverse communities
Starting with our first community, Cathedral Park Cohousing, Our Home neighborhoods will be strong, inclusive, diverse communities that foster cooperation, mutual respect, and shared values.
Our Home neighborhoods consist of home ownership opportunities for approximately 15 – 35 families, diverse in family structure (singles, couples and families), age, ability, socioeconomics, and interests (what each brings to the community table). Thoughtfully designed to support a diversity of community members they will be architecturally modern, accessible, urban and lasting. To help promote affordability, our homes will range in size from approximately 500 – 1,500 sf. in studio, 1, 2, and 3-bedroom configurations.
Our Home neighborhoods consist of a cluster of residences surrounding gardens and accessible outdoor spaces. They are efficient, sustainable, aesthetically pleasing, welcoming, and a neighborhood asset. Our Home neighborhoods provide the hub of home to ground in, and extend out from, for work, school, and the larger community. A place where our children, our adults, and our seniors can build relationships and community.
In combination with existing state, federal, private and community programs, Our Home, Inclusive Community Collaborative will help educate each Our Home community on how to provide natural supports that assist those who live there with individualized supports needed to age in place, and help each other live full, inclusive lives. Parameters will be set up for community longevity, flexibility and affordability. The basic tenants will remain consistent to the original intent and be supported by the Our Home, Inclusive Community Collaborative Board consisting of advisers and Our Home community members who have an ongoing interest in the viability of the Our Home communities.
Funding and Affordability
Through private and community partnerships, Our Home, Inclusive Community Collaborative plans to make available a percentage of homes at below market prices through subsidies; encouraging affordability for individuals or families below of median income.